Thursday, July 2, 2009

Appreciating Your Body

Yoga of Love and Forgiveness is Appreciating Your Body.


We see a great car and go "Wow!"

By regularly making the quantum leap that is Yoga of Love and Forgiveness, we are going, "Wow!" to our own human, physical body. And it loves this! Our body likes to be appreciated.

I don't need to tell you what a marvel of interactive systems we are. We might say that we owe it to ourselves to give these systems focused, conscious love and even self-forgiveness for the times when we forgot to take care, or when we didn't know how to do better. Besides good food, rest, and aerobic activity, the YLF approach is like putting the cleanest, highest octane fuel imaginable into your body. Your positive focus coupled with gentle yoga movements allows a deep experience of appreciation because you are speaking to your body in its language: movement. And it can get this. You will notice that you are getting it by how your body responds: it lets go and releases pent up energy for you to use- perhaps more wisely than in the past.

What do I mean by wisely? Is this a value judgment? No. You determine what is wise for you by keeping your eye on your goal and doing the things that line up with your goal. My goal is to consciously and clearly serve the Spirit. I am learning how to do less of what doesn't line up with that, and more of what does. Among other things, this takes courage and teaches humility. I like this very much, and the benefits are divine!

Sometimes people come up to me and say, "I've never done yoga before, and I'm 40 (50 or 60...) Can I really start now?

And I say, "Yes! While giving you a fantastic workout, the magic of Yoga of Love and Forgiveness is that it is less about commanding great poses and more about imbuing your body with great energy that comes through appreciating it. The poses come as a by-product. You can start at any age."

You are God. You believe what you say to yourself. And, the more you show up for yourself, the more you believe in yourself. This is the foundation for YLF. We are showing up for ourselves.

No matter what has happened in the past, who you are is worthy of your own appreciation right now. Start doing YLF regularly and see how much more energy you have! No matter what size, shape, age, or condition your body is in, YLF is about APPRECIATING your body.

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