Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Willingness to be Intimate


Yoga of Love and Forgiveness is an opportunity to experience your natural intimacy. You don’t need another person to be intimate. You, yourself, are amazingly colorful and interesting and worth your attention.

A person’s bodies are naturally intimate- physical, emotional, mental, and soul - and maybe some subtle bodies we are less aware of, too - are interconnected in a gorgeous, loving way. As we open to this flow, a romance can unfold. This inner-romance generates self-trust, self-enjoyment, wellness, and a special electricity - energy for you to use!

Your physical body loves to serve you. Like any intimate friend, it also loves to be listened to, particularly through the vehicles of touch and movement.

YLF is a method of listening to yourself, while also working out. Love and Forgiveness are spiritual qualities that each person possesses that can clear blocks, and help to release memories, judgments, or emotions that you may be gripping onto, often unconsciously.

These things may have been fed into the body over time and can function like pollution, clogging our energy and movement channels. We have aches, pains, coughs, tiredness, and we don’t know why. We try pill after pill, and as Dr. Abramson writes in Overdosed America, we see that "reclaiming personal responsibility (is) the best antidote to a fundamentally flawed (medical) system."

Willingness to embrace your intimacy is a first step to reclaiming personal responsibility for our health. As we begin the Yoga of Love and Forgiveness journey, we start with willingness to see what’s stored inside the tissues, willingness to love and let go, and willingness to live from a new paradigm- which we give to our self.

Replenish your Powerful Self with Yoga of Love & Forgiveness™

1 comment:

  1. Hi Karen,

    I've attended two of your classes and think they are very cool!

    I am recieving your newsletter and noticed in your recipe today that you mentioned a certain mesurement of Salt.... I think it was a smidgeroo.

    Love it!

    Best Wishes,

    Tim (Los Angeles)
